The Climate Interactive Scoreboard is part of Climate Interactive, whose slogan is "Vigorous sharing of user-friendly simulations." Okay, I'll admit I don't have a clue what that means. But if you love graphs and numbers and statistics, you're going to love this website. Even if the subject is the increasingly hopeless Copenhagen climate meeting. (View the Climate Scoreboard here.)
It's a fascinating premise: Through their interactive computer simulations, people are helped to visualize the long-term climate impacts of decisions being undertaken today. In the run-up to the COP 15 in Copenhagen, for example, Climate Interactive is scanning UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) submissions and news sources from around the world to collect a list of what they call "current proposals" — possible scenarios for greenhouse gas emissions by UNFCCC parties. They share their compilation and use the C-ROADS-CP climate simulation to calculate the expected long-term impacts (in terms of GHG concentration, temperature increase, and sea level rise) if those proposals were to be fully implemented. [Update: they're now scanning all proposals at the table in Copenhagen.]
This way, you can follow and publicize the (lack of?) progress in the global deal.
Their website links to the CO2 bathtub simulation and other educational activities, as well. Enjoy exploring ... and learning.
So glad to see the Climate Scoreboard disseminated widely! Let's put it to use for the common good.
Sustainability Institute