Climate EMERGENCY Countdown - Here's What We Have to Do!

Finally, folks, I can tell you unequivocally what we have to do ... what you and your loved ones can do! Most of it is outlined in the best-ever emergency response to climate change: the Climate Action Network (CAN) International 2014 position statement.

Please read through the countdown steps (below), then get as many of your friends, colleagues, family and community members to work creating political will as possible, using the addresses (also below). Use your power as a citizen to help safeguard the future!

Climate EMERGENCY Institute's
Rally the World

Tell the whole world. We finally have some power and a hope in hell … pass it on! The Climate Action Network June 2014 climate position statement is the best thing ever. We need to help them promote it, right now, as time is of the essence.
Demand that world leaders declare we are "beyond dangerous interference with the climate system" (UN climate change convention), that climate change is an emergency (follow the Green Party of Canada lead), and that the warming limit should be less than 1.5ºC.
Push to have nations adopt the IPCC's RCP2.6 best-case scenario, and accept the recommended targets and limits of CAN International's new position statement at the December 2015 UN climate convention in Paris. (That's where they'll be crafting a globally binding agreement.)
Insist that governments stop all fossil fuel subsidies ($5.3 trillion per year, according to the International Monetary Fund, 2015) – and switch them to clean, everlasting energy technologies and new fossil-fuel-free agricultural methods. Put a price on carbon while we're at it, so that fossil fuel and other corporations are paying for the currently "externalized" detrimental effects of carbon emissions.
In Paris, get the most important agreement in the world signed, one that calls for carbon emissions to start declining immediately and to reach zero by 2050.
Achieve zero carbon emissions by mid century, giving us that hope in hell of avoiding catastrophic climate disruption.

What to Call For When Contacting World Leaders

1. Ask world leaders to declare that climate change is an emergency, because the probability and the possible magnitude of the risks are too high.

2. State that a 2ºC rise in global average temperature is catastrophically high (due to the unaccounted-for warming from carbon feedbacks, especially in the Arctic), and therefore 1-1.5ºC must be our limit.

3. Demand that nations start to reduce their carbon emissions immediately. (For Canadian politicians, this means mothballing - not expanding - the tar sands. We cannot afford to burn/emit any more carbon.)

4. Call on governments and their negotiators to adopt, at the COP21 climate conference in Paris, the IPCC's best-case scenario (RCP2.6), as well as the recommended targets and limits of CAN International's position statement:
·      sharp declines in GHG emissions starting immediately
·      a complete transition to zero carbon (100% renewable energy) and a zero-carbon economy by 2050

5. Demand that governments stop subsidizing fossil fuel corporations, switch those subsidies to perpetual energy technologies, and put a price on carbon.


Mr. Ban Ki-moon (good guy who understands the emergency)
Secretary General
United Nations
New York, NY 
USA 10017
Telephone 212-963-5012
Fax 212-963-2155

Ms Christiana Figueres (on our side! wants a 1.5ºC limit)
Executive Secretary
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
P.O. Box 260124
D-53153 Bonn
Telephone +49 228 815-1000
Fax +49 228 815-1999

President Barack Obama (torn; help him find his way)
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC
USA 20500
Comments 202-456-1111
Fax 202-456-2461

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper (thinks we can eat oil)
Prime Minister of Canada
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0A6
Telephone 613-992-4211
Fax 613-941-6900

Xi Jinping (President Xi), President of the People’s Republic of China (understands climate change but perhaps not the urgency of our "zero carbon emissions" goal)
No. 174 Xi Chang’an Jie

Beijing 100017 China
Telephone +86 10 63070913
Fax +86 10 63070900

The Honourable Tony Abbott MP (to think they had a carbon tax and he got rid of it!)

PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Telephone +61 (02) 6277 7700
Fax +61 (02) 6273 4100


  1. While strongly supporting and endorsing what you are attempting to do, I wonder how we assist people in becoming compassionate in this war-torn, traumatized world. For many of us it has taken years to find compassion. Who shows much compassion these days when it's barely fashionable to smile?
    My message, therefore, is to encourage compassion in ourselves first, then for one another and then for climate change emergency and all the other changes that must be made in our beautiful world - if only we care to look.
    Trysh Ashby-Rolls
    Author & Journalist
    "writing on challenging social issues"

  2. Hi Trysh,
    Thanks for writing! I don't disagree that we need to be compassionate toward ourselves, but I'm hoping we can do it all at the same time -- a great global recompassioning! We just don't have time to put ourselves first anymore (the 80s and 90s, anyone?) ... so let's include ourselves as we open our hearts to those less fortunate and more vulnerable who are already being ravaged by the impacts of climate change.

    Let's include ourselves as we try to put the children -- of all species -- and all future generations at the centre of our deliberations on climate change. Let's include ourselves as we realize the importance of a stable climate to the biosphere that keeps us alive and fight to keep it viable.

    Compassion is "suffering with." Believe me, we can either be compassionate now, or we can suffer with everyone else on this beautiful planet in the not too distant future.


I would appreciate hearing your thoughts or questions on this post or anything else you've read here. What is your take on courage and compassion being an important part of the solution to the climate change emergency?