But there is one way to stay virtually involved, and that's through Adopt a Negotiator. Young people around the world are shadowing their countries' climate negotiators at all the different climate talks (nice way to see the world, at least!). And we can track the trackers' observations.
Here's how their website describes what they're up to. Well worth keeping your eye on these young climate heroes in training!
A fair, ambitious, and binding agreement coming out of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference (COP15) in December could mean the difference between a manageable future and dire climatic consequences. But who knows what really goes on at these meetings? For an event described as “the most important meeting in the history of the world,” scant little seems to be known about what goes on behind the scenes. Through Adopt-a-Negotiator, we are lifting the veil and shining light on this diplomatic process. Launched at the Bonn intersessional talks in June, we’ll track the negotiations through Bangkok, then Barcelona, and on to Copenhagen, following the lead negotiators and delegates from 12 key countries, and sharing news and updates of their positions along the way.So join us and let the negotiators know that we are watching and willing them to negotiate a Climate Change deal that is safe, fair and will ensure that we all have a future.Each of our Climate Trackers will follow the Lead Climate Negotiator from their country and update you with the latest information., so you can stay up to date and either support or put pressure on your country’s climate negotiator to aim for a safe and fair deal.Some of Adopt a Negotiator’s Lead tracker’s include Anna Collins from the United Kingdom, Adam McIsaac from Canada, Andrea Cinquina from Italy, Ben Jervey from the United States, Cara Bevington from Australia, Eri Aoki from Japan, Florent Baasrch from France, Fontane Lau from China, Jonathan Sundqvist from Sweden, Juliana Russar from Brazil, Leela Raina from India, and Ole Seidenberg from Germany.Adopt A Negotiator is a project supported by the Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA). You can found out more about GCCA and its other activities at tcktcktck.org.
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